If you're interested, take a look at this website to follow along what I'll be doing with my classes this semester.
I decided to take the first month of the semester and do all kinds of activities, none of which are directly related to the curriculum. Building newspaper bridges, popsicle stick and plasticine towers and Rube Goldbergs. I will be assessing these projects according to the A1 strand of the Ontario curriculum and giving students feedback on them, but the idea is that I want to set the tone in the classroom that this is going to be a creative space where there are no wrong answers.
For the rest of the semester my student will be working on creating a self-sufficient home. We'll be focusing on learning that we are a part of nature and not separate from it. We'll look at relationships in and with nature, and living in reciprocity with the world around us. We will be doing some land based learning and looking at how to live and survive on Mars.
Follow along to see what we're up to!